As a part of this year’s 5th Grade Recognition Program, the students will continue the tradition of creating a “Memory Wall.”  


Please read the instructions below carefully and review all pages in the links below.


**To complete this project, each student will need to bring in the following:


  1. (1) BABY PHOTO (between newborn and 2 years)


    1. Photos should be 3 ½ x 5” (no larger than 4x6)

    2. Photos should be VERTICAL (portrait orientation)

    3. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE………put NAME and HOMEROOM TEACHER on the back of each photo

  3. You AND your student -- COMPLETE the attached “memory” sheet

    1. Photos will be attached to a background and laminated, and the entire finished sheet will be returned to you at the 5th-grade reception.

  4. TURN IN 2 photos and the attached memory sheet to your child’s teacher.


 **These Photos and Memory sheets are due no later than FEB 28th**



Link to Memory Sheet



THANK YOU so much for making this a fun part of your child’s 5th Grade Year!


For any questions, please email

Thank you,

Alish Clairmont & Erin Ellis